Here's the sketch. It's not a "real" sketch, it's a really ugly collage. I came up with it by searching good ole Corbis with keywords like "run, race, family, earth" and decided on three images. Two sets of people prancing on the beach, and one globe. I thought hey, these guys have a nice forced perspective thing going on, let's work that.'re running on the globe! Yeah, turning the world, baby!
(I love jobs like this, where the first idea is the only idea, it's the best idea and there's no client feedback. Unfortunately, these jobs don't actually exist for money.)

Ta-daa! I assembled the sketch in Photoshop and turned the levels and contrast down, printed a ghost image, traced the outlines with a red pencil, inked it with a handy sharpie and gelly ballpoint and scanned it at 300dpi back into Photoshop. NOT archival. Thusly:

Then I noticed a clear stipulation that you can only have three colors and it has to incorporate the logo. I figured since the logo has some predetermined stuff here I'd just sample color off it and let somebody else worry about where the tints and screens and hooha come into play. It might bite me later, but hey. I've had my shots.

I'm not going to comment on the typography. But there's a book called Stop Stealing Sheep and Find Out How Type Works that elaborates on the unmentionable crimes above.

Voila! Drugs are bad m'kay? Be cool, stay in school! What's your anti-drug?
Interesting to see the process step-by-step! Nice work!
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